Thursday, April 3, 2014

Snow day!

It's a winter wonderland out there today, folks. School was called, so I didn't have to go to work, so the ever-growing to-do list that's been looming over my head is slowly being checked off. We leave tomorrow for our weekend getaway, so there's a lot to be done. Meanwhile, I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of the box containing my new camera. If I didn't have this long to-do list, I'd probably be bundled up, sitting on the front porch, waiting for the UPS truck. I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Friends, I have a confession to make. I've never been camping. Granted, this weekend we'll be in a cabin, not a tent, but there'll be no water, no bathroom, and no heat, just the great outdoors and a wood-burning fireplace. I'm excited for hiking and spending time with Elliott and reading and trying my hand at cabin cooking, but I'm a little nervous for the "roughing it" aspect. If you think of me this weekend, send some good vibes my way?

In other news, today we put an offer in on a house. It struck me how easy it is to sign three pieces of paper and all of a sudden you're in the running to become a Homeowner. Aren't they going to see if I'm emotionally qualified? Aren't they going to check how well I clean a bathroom? Isn't there some sort of personality analysis that I have to go through before I'm entrusted with this much responsibility? I guess not. So we'll see how it goes! Again, good vibes appreciated.

Happy Thursday, friends!

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