Monday, April 7, 2014

The Job Hunt

Well friends, it's that time again.

Time for me to look for a job.

This semester was, schedule-wise, a disaster. My classes were all over the place and I was lucky that my job only requires me to work on Thursdays, BUT -- while fall semester's schedule is looking much lighter, unfortunately my senior thesis course (which I need in order to graduate in December) falls on a Thursday, so I will sadly have to let this wonderful job go.

So today I spent about an hour updating my resume. I figured I should go back to something I know, and something that will hopefully provide me with the flexibility I need for school: coffee. In some ways it feels like a step back, because my current job is in a school, which is where I want to end up. But in other ways it feels like a relief; the muscle memory of slinging espresso drinks and the ease of interacting with customers would be welcome. I really do love working with coffee.

Updating a resume! What a task. Especially when my last resume was for a school district, and now I'm trying to appeal to whoever hires at coffee shops. Not to mention today I'm finally fully understanding what people mean when they say "I've got a case of the Mondays."
freshly updated resume
It isn't easy, friends. If only I could get paid to read, travel, hike, and do yoga, and if only I could politely ask and be allowed behind the bar at every coffee shop I entered.

So begins the job hunt. Wish me luck?

Happy Monday!

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