Friday, January 16, 2015

28 Weeks

Hello friends! We've made it to 28 weeks - only 12 (or 11, or 13) to go! I am feeling much better after my nine-day head cold ordeal, with just a little lingering congestion. God bless Robitussin. On with the update!

The hunger cycle:
0:00 - Discover that I am ravenously hungry. Seek out something to eat.
0:05 - Find something to eat. Take bite.
0:07 - Take second bite.
0:09 - Take third bite. Begin to feel full.
0:11 - Take fourth bite. Feel impossibly full. Stare mournfully at remainder of snack.
0:20 - Experience heartburn. Urp uncomfortably for several minutes. Take a couple of Tums.
0:40 - Begin to notice familiar empty feeling in stomach.
0:50 - Try to ignore hunger pangs.
0:59 - Begin cycle again.
Okay, so maybe it isn't every hour, but it is very frequent! It seems every couple of hours I find myself extremely hungry, but can't fit more than a few bites in before I feel like I don't have any more room. All of my guts are pushed up against my lungs and I'm operating at low capacity already!
And this baby is going to get bigger?!
Otherwise, Braxton Hicks as usual. Leg cramps are becoming more frequent, so I'm trying to up my water intake even more to stave those off. I had the worst Charlie horse of my life over Christmas and I have yet to top that, so I think it might be working.

How big is baby?
Well, I spent a good chunk of time at Safeway last week looking for a rutabaga, and I never did find one. Maybe they aren't in season. That's okay, though, because this week our fruit comparison is slightly more common: an eggplant (still is not a fruit, though). Weight and length ranges haven't changed since last week, but personally I think we had a growth spurt this week around Tuesday and Wednesday. The major highlights this week, according to the calendar: baby is starting to "develop more fat," so his or her skin is getting smoother and less wrinkly, and baby's lungs are now developed enough that he or she would have a really good chance of survival if preterm labor were to happen. Which is a good milestone, but let's hope we don't have to put it to the test!

Lots of movement this week, as usual. I'm getting big kicks and barrel rolls. On Monday, baby was a little quieter than usual, but Tuesday and Wednesday kicked it into high gear and I felt really stretched, and then this morning I woke up, looked in the mirror, and thought, "This belly grew overnight," which leads me to believe that Monday was prep day for a big old growth spurt.

Highlights of the week
I splurged on a haircut this week, after going nearly eight months without one. My regular stylist moved to Denver, so I needed to find a new one, but I get so nervous because I've had my hair butchered so many times by people who don't know what they're doing with long hair. I called up the salon and explained how nervous I was, and got set up with the owner, who did a fabulous job and gave me an amazing head massage as well - I never realized just how much I could enjoy that.

Low moments of the week
The Broncos are out of the playoffs. Big bummer. Aside from that, though, and the lingering illness, I've had a pretty good week!

I haven't had any memorable dreams this week, but a friend of mine who is also due in April had a dream that we were farming together, apparently with William Shatner - and it was early Star Trek Shatner, no less! And I was a really good farmer in her dream, which I hope is a sign of things to come for this summer's vegetable garden, which was sort of disappointing last summer as I planted too late in the season.

What I'm looking forward to
Next weekend I've coerced my brother into coming and helping me with the baby's room. I did a lot of organizing this week and am excited to finally start moving some things out into the garage and (hopefully) painting the walls.
I've also got my one-hour glucose test this week to check for gestational diabetes. It runs in my family, so I am at risk for having it, but so far my doctor doesn't seem too concerned. I'm not looking forward to the super-sweet drink that I'll have to chug, and I'm hoping I pass!

Happy Friday, friends! Have a wonderful weekend.

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