Wednesday, March 18, 2015

36 Weeks

Well friends, I have been seriously slacking in the update department of late. I get more and more tired every day, and this baby is getting really heavy. I haven't taken any blog-worthy bump photos, either - this post gets a sad Facebook selfie I took the other day. So basically, this update is going to be a bare-bones update and I'll promise a better one on Friday.

I'll be honest - most of my symptoms are things no civilized reader is interested in hearing about. So I'll skip the nitty gritty and just say that I'm experiencing a lot of pressure and dull pain all the time. BUT! I know that this all comes with the territory and I'll take it if it means I get to hold my baby at the end.

How big is baby?
At our appointment on Friday, baby was weighing in at about 6 1/2 pounds. My doctor said baby has long legs (according to the ultrasound), and that my belly is measuring right on track but baby is a little ahead. Our fruit this week is a papaya. I have another appointment today and we'll see how things are looking!

All the time, every day. It never slows down. We definitely have a very active baby on our hands. That's not to say that how baby acts now is any indication of how it'll be on the outside - I've actually heard that the most active in-the-womb babies are the calmest out-of-the-womb babies. Here's hoping? I'm still enjoying feeling the movement but I do sometimes wish that the baby would dance somewhere other than on top of my bladder. And sometimes I get punched or kicked really hard and I can feel it in uncomfortable places. So that's... interesting.

Highlights of the week
Well, we had an ultrasound at our appointment on Friday so I got to see our little wiggle worm again - unfortunately Elliott had to work so he didn't get to see. We've got a thumb-sucker! So far, anyway. And baby had a hand dramatically draped across his or her forehead, so we didn't get any good face photos. But baby is head down and in a good position, and is sitting nice and low, so we're just crossing our fingers that everything stays the same!

We also completed our Prepared Childbirth class at the hospital - it was a 2-week course that we signed up for just to get some general preparation under our belts before go time. I didn't expect to get a whole lot of new information out of it, but I was pleasantly surprised. Our instructor was really great and gave us a lot of hands-on practice with labor and pushing positions, as well as good information as far as avoiding medical interventions. This was good for us since we're hoping to go medication-free.

Now, maybe this wouldn't be a highlight for you, but I also finished writing up our big pre-baby to-do list. I say big, but the list is actually a lot smaller than I thought it would be (which is both exciting and scary). It's mostly organization and deep cleaning projects that need to be finished, and I'll have help next week while my mom is on spring break. So, once our second shower is over, we'll finish buying up whatever we need, I'll get the house in order, Elliott will get the rest of his vaccinations, and ostensibly we could be totally ready before April even starts! (Physically ready, that is. Mentally and emotionally is a whole other story.)

Low moments of the week
The end of pregnancy is turning out to be an emotional roller coaster. I get tired of the constant, dull, aching pain - call me naive but I think I'd rather be having contractions and knowing that the pain was actually getting me somewhere! - and every now and again I feel sad that it's almost over. I'm so excited to meet the baby, but we moved the Pack 'N Play into our bedroom the other day, and it made me realize how close we are to the end. I really love being pregnant and even though I know what's coming is so much better, I think in some ways I'll miss it. So my low moments consisted of mainly mood swings this week.

What I'm looking forward to
We've got another appointment today, Thursday is my last day of work, Friday we're officially considered full term, and Saturday I'm being given another baby shower by the ladies at my church! So I've got a lot to look forward to. Mostly, of course, I'm looking forward to meeting this baby, but between now and Saturday we've got a lot going on!

After Saturday we don't have a ton of big plans, so it'll be mostly final preparations for baby and then just taking it easy until it's go time.

Happy Wednesday, friends! I do promise a bigger, better update on Friday.

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