Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Limu Experience

Let me begin by saying that I am a natural skeptic. I have little use for fads, rages, "miracles," and the like. Anything that makes great claims is something I'm going to doubt and immediately research - heavily. Which is why when my dear friend Mackenzie over at The Vivid Life invited us to a "Limu Experience Party," I was extremely reluctant to say yes. But Elliott wanted to go, so we went, and that's when I heard Mackenzie's amazing story, which you can read over on her blog. I had figured this was just another pyramid scheme trying to lay a snare for poor gullible saps to lose a thousand bucks and be left with nothing but a garage full of "miracle juice."

Not so.

Aside from the business part of it - and yes, we're getting in on that too - Limu is for real. 

At the beginning of the meeting, Tom (our resident Limu Guru) asked us to think about our health issues. Tammy, Mackenzie's mom, said this, which stuck out to me: "Everybody has a health issue. Everybody has something that hurts." So I thought about mine, and came up with this list:
  • Eczema
  • Moderate to severe respiratory allergies
  • General fatigue/lack of energy and trouble getting out of bed (I'm a full-time college student, so... natch)
  • Arthritis in left hand
  • Left knee pain
  • Gastro problems (I have a dairy allergy - having gone undiagnosed for a long time, this has led to significant gastrointestinal issues)

After hearing Mackenzie's story and seeing the evidence for myself, I figured why not? It's not going to hurt me to try it, and it could help, so I might as well. I took my first dose on a Monday night. I kid you not, at 6:30 on Tuesday morning I was up and ready to go. I have not willingly gotten out of bed before 8 am in months. This is after one dose. The same thing continued to happen every day, in addition to a reduction in pain in my arthritic left hand - I no longer have pain in my hand - less pain in my knee, increased energy, no more gastrointestinal issues, and a major reduction in respiratory allergy symptoms. On top of all this, my eczema (which is on my belly and in my ears) no longer itches and I'm seeing a daily reduction in redness.

With all of this, one might assume I've been taking Limu for months or more. Would you believe I've only been on it for one week? The Limu Company recommends trying it out for at least sixty days to see your full benefits - I can't wait to see what it does for me after seeing these results in one week. I will be updating as I discover new benefits!

Limu OriginalLimu Lean

I'd love for you to head to Mackenzie's page and read up on the benefits. I'm not asking you to sell it, but consider trying it. As Mackenzie says, "no harm, no foul." It's not going to make you feel worse, but odds are it'll make you feel better. Hit the link in the nav bar to order from our website, or feel free to email me with questions. If you are interested in getting in on the business side of Limu, please email my husband at elliottshindel[at]gmail[dot]com.

"Treasured by the Tongans of the South Pacific for 3,000 years, Limu has developed a reputation for promoting good health and fighting disease. Limu’s amazing benefits can be attributed to its complex carbohydrates, called polysacchrides, as well as its glyconutrients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Fucoidan–the most exciting of them all–has been cited in more than 1000 research studies around the world."

Please research this - Limu and Fucoidan - and see for yourself what the benefits could be for you. I want you to feel good & be healthy - I want you to be more.

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