Saturday, November 29, 2014

21 Weeks

Hello everyone! Another week has flown by. I hope your Thanksgiving was relaxing and delicious. Yesterday was full of shopping and family time, so forgive me for being a day late! It's been a full week.

Fun symptoms
The usual - exponential hair and nail (and hip) growth, and the bump just keeps on growing! I've been getting a lot more knowing smiles from strangers, which feels simultaneously welcoming and condescending. But I've been known to read too far into things.

Could-do-without symptoms
Still dealing with heartburn, but nowhere near as bad as before. I've been avoiding spicy foods, but can't bring myself to give up my already-limited one cup of coffee a day. I have it early in the morning to avoid problems at night.

How big is baby?
Our fruit this week is a pomegranate - about 10.5 inches long and around 13 ounces, although baby was measuring 13 ounces at our appointment last week, so we're a little ahead weight-wise. The big news this week is that baby has started producing meconium - that's right, the first poop is already working its way through our kid's system. What a milestone!

My mom felt the baby move this week! Still waiting to get the timing right so Elliott can feel it, but haven't had any luck with that so far. Lots of hiccups and little kicks. Can't feel the hiccups on the outside yet, but the kicks are hard enough to move my hand and since my mom felt one, I know I'm not just imagining it!

Maternity Clothes
We went to H&M on Black Friday and found me a nice green maternity shirt to wear for Christmas. It's hard to find affordable Sunday clothes! I was a smaller size pre-pregnancy, so I bought my maternity pants in that same size, but with the hip/thigh growth I've been enjoying, I may need to move up a size. Things are pretty tight, even with the full panel! Still on the lookout for that perfect coat. I tried one on at Motherhood Maternity yesterday and the shoulders were way, way too wide. I swim in their clothes! Hey, Motherhood - tiny people get pregnant too!

Highlights of the week
We hosted Thanksgiving and it was a wonderful day. My turkey turned out great, as did my green bean casserole and cherry pie, and the dishes everyone else brought to share were perfect and delicious. It was great to spend time with my family, including my sister over Skype, and I loved being able to finally host! Our little house held up pretty well.

I also need to add a big thank-you to a friend of ours who donated her pregnancy pillow to me after reading about my issues sleeping. It has been a dream! And to my in-laws, who bought me a maternity coat. What a lovely support system I have!

Low moments of the week
Other than a moment of panic on Thursday morning when I realized that my turkey was still sort of frozen, this has been a good week! I did get a call from my doctor that I need to go in for another ultrasound - I couldn't quite figure out if it's because there is an issue they are concerned about or if it's because they just need more or different pictures. I think it's the latter, but I'll get more details at my appointment this week.

I dreamt last night that I had two pet pigs. They were so cute and so well-behaved! Otherwise, just the same bizarre dreams I've been having!

Thanksgiving food. I could eat green bean casserole all day long. I'm going to pick up slider buns today to make myself some Thanksgiving sliders for my next fourteen (or so) lunches.

Trying to avoid spicy foods, but no genuine aversions.

What I'm looking forward to
Christmas tree decorating, getting to see baby again, and finishing up these last few weeks of school -I only have three left, and then I graduate! They sell these adorable UCCS onesies at the bookstore that I'm going to have to buy. They're way overpriced, but we'll just call it a graduation gift to myself.

I'll leave you with a picture from our ultrasound last week. What a cutie! This is a shot of baby's profile - the round bit is the head, and the nose and lips are toward the top of the picture. Shoulders are to the left.

Happy Saturday, friends!

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