Sunday, November 23, 2014

20 Weeks

The halfway marker is here!!

I missed week 19! It got crazy busy around here and time just slipped away. I'm only two days late on week twenty, however. It's been another hectic week, but it's winding down now that Thanksgiving break is almost here (I still have class on Tuesday) and I have some minutes here and there to breathe and relax.

Fun Symptoms
I have hips! It's amazing! Also my hair - I can't believe how fast it's growing.

Could-do-without symptoms
Heartburn verging on acid reflux. I will definitely be mentioning this to my doctor at my next appointment; I've tried Tums and all the home remedies people have recommended to me and nothing has been successful. Also my feet are starting to swell. I've sadly waved goodbye to my trusty heeled boots and will likely be living in my nice roomy snow boots or moccasins for the remainder of this pregnancy.

How big is the baby?
The size of a banana! Or the length of a banana, rather. At our ultrasound, baby weighed 13 ounces, give or take a couple. So we're measuring a little ahead; the average is 10 ounces at this week marker. In other news, babe has working taste buds! Not that there's a whole lot of menu variety at this point, but it's a nice development.

Lots! I still haven't managed to get Elliott to put his hand in the right spot at the right time, so he hasn't felt it yet, but baby has been enjoying punching his mama. As of today I can also feel it when he's got the hiccups! It's a lot of fun.

Maternity clothes
I'm looking into a maternity coat; it's already getting tough to zip my regular coat (even though I bought it a size up last year!). I've looked at a few at H&M and Motherhood Maternity. Nothing at Motherhood Maternity fits me right, not even tank tops, and H&M's options were cute but not very warm. I'm experiencing an interesting temperature dynamic - my arms and legs are always cold as usual, but my belly has become a furnace! I'm not used to feeling overheated but it's happened a couple of times in the last weeks. Anyway, the coat search is on. I'm short-waisted, so this bump has nowhere to go but out. It sort of feels like this:

I've got my eye on this coat from Pink Blush Maternity - I'm just not totally sure about the sizing and I'm having a hard time justifying $70. If it comes down to spending seventy bucks or freezing, though, I'll spend the seventy bucks.

Highlights of the week
We had our 20-week ultrasound on Friday! Baby had the hiccups and was super active, flipping and bouncing around. Everything looked healthy, for which we feel very blessed. I loved seeing our little peanut again, and our ultrasound tech was fabulous. We got a few good pictures and she was kind enough to burn them to a disc for us, and to tell us to look away at the right time so we didn't accidentally find out the sex. :)
Yesterday Elliott and I celebrated our anniversary. After two years of marriage, I feel like we're starting to get the hang of this thing. After a nice quiet morning at home in which I got my butt whooped in a four-hour game of Monopoly, we went to Chili's (on my parents' dime... thanks Mom and Dad!) and went to Target to complete our baby registry. We were there for a long time, but we had fun! It's nice to have that taken care of.

Low moments of the week
No major low moments, but I have been noticing my forgetfulness a lot more. Elliott says I was really tired this week, more than normal, so maybe that's got something to do with it. We had a lot to look forward to this weekend, so that probably brightened my outlook and made my potentially bad moments a lot easier to breeze through.

Definitely getting weirder! I've had dreams about labor, both my own and other friends'... and some of those friends aren't even pregnant! I love having dreams about the baby.

Sweets, but I've been doing enough baking to satisfy that!

Anything spicy. My heartburn has been so bad that even the taste of spicy things is aversive to me.

What I'm looking forward to
Thanksgiving!! We're hosting this year and I can't wait to have everybody gathered at our home. It'll be a week of cleaning and prepping at our house and I'm so excited for it all! And I know it's early, but every day I get more and more excited for Christmas. I'm like a little kid. I can't wait!!

Happy Sunday, friends! Stay warm and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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