Monday, October 20, 2014

15 Weeks

15 Weeks Pregnant
We've made it to 15 weeks! Well, actually, I'm 15 weeks and 3 days, but as usual I was late taking the picture, and am therefore late posting the update! Better late than never. Time is flying by! I just realized today that I only have two months left before I graduate from college. This had a twofold effect: it elicited a sigh of relief and anticipation, and also threw me into a stress spiral because what am I going to do with my life? I had a good talk with my mom and called my grandpa and I feel better now, but I still feel like I'm on that line between okay and a mess. A good night's sleep will help.

Fun symptoms
• My hair is growing like a weed. I went for a trim last week and I feel like it's already all grown back.
• Things are, ahem, filling out. Middle school me would have killed for these hips.

Could-do-without symptoms
• Heartburn
• I've been having trouble staying asleep at night
• I am, in general, an emotional mess

How big is the baby?
Baby is about four inches long, and weighs about 2.5 ounces right now. The fruit comparison is a navel orange, but only length-wise. Weight-wise, baby weighs about half of what your average orange weighs. It's amazing how something you can feel something so small moving around! According to what I've read, though, baby is squirming around in there a ton.

I finally felt the baby. A couple nights ago I was laying on my back and felt a little... something. It felt sort of like bubbles popping or like a little fishy fin wiggling. I haven't felt anything since, but thanks to this pregnancy I am extremely familiar with what gas bubbles feel like and this was definitely different! I'm looking forward to feeling baby more frequently in the coming weeks.

Maternity clothes
I have been living in full-panel yoga pants, tank tops, and cardigans this week. I'm uncomfortable in anything else - even maternity pants - and I think I have waved goodbye to any chance of fitting into pre-pregnancy pants. It's time to pare down the closet, because a lot of it isn't fitting anymore!

Highlights of the week
I had a great time being a tour guide on Saturday at the 3rd annual Fountain Fairview Cemetery Tour. I went home exhausted after nearly 4.5 hours of walking, but it was a lot of fun and I hope to help out again next year.

Low moments of the week
My emotional state is less than stellar. I found out at the vet today that my family dog Sophie is going to need surgery to remove a tumor-like mass from the side of her head, and I have been struggling with wondering how I'm going to balance having a newborn and needing to find some kind of work to bring in more income. I'm on the lookout for work-from-home opportunities, but that needs to be on the back burner until I finish school in December. Allow the following GIF to tell you how I've felt this week:

Soft pretzels with mustard!

Green salads of any kind, except wedges of iceberg, which has zero nutritional value. Hey, it counts toward my water intake, right?

What I'm looking forward to
This week I have been thinking about Christmas and spending time with my grandparents. Looking forward to that has helped me through the rougher moments. I need to start looking forward to researching my thesis! I'm also looking forward to our next appointment, and our next ultrasound - which will be the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Praying for a healthy baby! We still haven't come to a consensus on whether we'll find out the sex. Perhaps we'll agree by next week? For the record, I'm feeling like it's a boy. But who knows? I've never been pregnant before, so I've got nothing to compare it to!
And finally I'm looking forward to being out of the "Is she pregnant or just chubby?" stage and into the "What a cute baby bump!" stage.

And finally...
In closing, some cute photos of my pets:


Happy Monday, friends!

PS - I found two awesome, time-saving websites for expecting parents this week:
Lucie's List gives the lowdown on what you really need when registering for baby.
BabyList is a one-stop registry site where you can add items from any website.
Mamas & Papas - Go check them out!
You can find our BabyList here.

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