Friday, October 24, 2014

16 Weeks

I'm actually posting on time this week, friends! My ticker changed this morning; I am exactly sixteen weeks today. It's a beautiful day. Sunny, 80 degrees, a nice breeze, and... about 50 years of homework to catch up on. Oh, well.

It's been fun this week to watch how Effie interacts with me and my growing belly. Since about Monday, I can not keep her off of me! Whenever I sit on the couch (which I did a lot of on Wednesday and Thursday), she's immediately snuggling up on my belly and purring nonstop. She definitely knows! I hope this is a good sign for when baby is actually here.

Fun Symptoms
My hair is still growing like crazy! And I'm noticing a big difference in my nails too. Am I glowing yet?

Could-do-without symptoms
Actually feeling pretty good this week. I had a bout of stomach flu on Wednesday and Thursday but I seem to be in the clear now. Tired as usual.

How big is the baby?
According to the Internet, baby is as long as an avocado - so about 4.6 inches - and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Baby officially has taste buds this week, and is growing hair, lashes, and eyebrows. If this baby has Elliott's genes in that department, that hair is growing in fast, thick, and curly!

I'm feeling that fluttery movement every now and then, usually in the morning while I'm still laying down and being still. I've also noticed my own movement more; the other day, someone commented to me that I was "rocking" on my feet - swaying a little bit back and forth. I hadn't even noticed! But since it was mentioned to me, I've definitely caught myself doing it more. I wonder why? Maybe my body is practicing for the impending middle-of-the-night wake-ups.

Maternity clothes
Yep! Maternity pants 100% of the time now, and my longest and forgiving-est shirts. I'm thinking about doing an outfit of the day thing, but I haven't started yet.

Highlights of the week
I didn't realize I was looking forward to it so much, but the fact that baby is starting to be able to hear us now is so exciting. I've started humming and singing to the baby. I find myself coming back to the same two songs: "Baby Mine," sung by Allison Krauss, and "Rose of my Heart," by Johnny Cash. When Elliott and I were getting to know each other, "Rose of my Heart" was a song we really bonded over - we sang it together at my pastor's wedding before we started dating. I find myself singing it now, and knowing that baby can hear me makes me feel a lot more connected now than I have in previous weeks. Ell and I are both very musical people, so baby's bound to recognize some songs once he (or she) is on the outside!

Low moments of the week
I mentioned before I had the stomach flu for a couple of days this week. At first I thought it was a resurgence of morning sickness, but it became obvious pretty quickly that this was a bug. It was a miserable couple of days, but I'm all good now!

I had a couple of memorable dreams this week. Most of my memorable dreams so far have been awful, but these were good: I dreamed that I had decorated the baby's room and it was beautiful. I have definitely been hit with the nesting bug - hard. I woke up and immediately took notes on what I saw in the dream because I want to get it as close to what I saw as I can. My other great dream was that the baby was already born and fit just perfectly into the little carrier we bought, which was super light and easy to carry. I must have been researching baby gear before bed!

Nothing major this week - mostly coffee, but I'm not sure if that's a pregnancy craving or an exhaustion craving.

Still not really feeling the salads, but I'm hoping that goes away soon. I need to up my Vitamin K intake, but that requires being able to eat kale without gagging.

What I'm looking forward to
I'm looking forward to another week flying by! I'll be in the library all weekend this weekend - I have ten pages of my thesis due Tuesday - and I guess in a way, I'm looking forward to that. I like camping out in the library and being surrounded by quiet. I do get a lot done! Next week is also a baby shower for one of my friends from church - she's due in December. Lots of little ones running around there these days!

Happy Friday, friends! Enjoy your weekend!

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