Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Big Announcement!

We have BIG news, everyone!

In April 2015, the Shindel household will be growing by ten little fingers and ten little toes.
Meanwhile, I'll be growing a little bit bigger every day.

Yes, we're expecting! We found out in August, and I am currently 14 weeks along. It's nice to be out of the first trimester. I'm slowly starting to feel a little more like myself after those first few weeks of exhaustion and all-day nausea. We had our first ultrasound about a month ago (so the photo below is a little outdated), and heard the baby's heartbeat on Monday. Baby S is currently about the size of a lemon, although last week it was a peach and I thought lemons were smaller than peaches, but I don't regularly measure my fruit, so what do I know?

We haven't decided if we'll find out the sex yet. Elliott wants to, I don't want to, so it's an ongoing debate. And no, we haven't picked out any names. We've got time!

I will try to do weekly updates, but I am finding myself increasingly overwhelmed with my school load this semester, so you'll have to forgive me if I forget or post late.

Elliott and I are so excited to be on this journey together. While we weren't exactly planning to have a baby so soon, we wouldn't have it any other way and can't wait to meet our little one. Thank you for sharing in our joy!

Stay tuned!

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