Monday, November 3, 2014

17 Weeks

Well, I'm posting late again. The weekend got away from me in a hurry, despite the extra hour! Today makes 17 weeks & 3 days. I've been scrambling to get some school things done. I have a big project due tomorrow that I can't really prep for any more than I already have. I'm ready to be finished with that and have it off my plate so I can focus on other things. If you think of me around 9:30 tomorrow morning, send good, organized thoughts my way.

Fun Symptoms
The usual - exponential hair growth, watching the bump get bigger, and a new one - everything is funny. I hope that one lasts, I was really sick of crying all the time!

Could-do-without symptoms
Still dealing with mild heartburn, but nothing unmanageable. I've been having very weird dreams, and can't get comfortable when I go to bed. Poor Elliott gets beat up every night by my trying to get comfortable so I don't wake up with a sore back. I'm getting closer and closer to investing in one of those pregnancy body pillows. Also, my feet have grown, as I unfortunately discovered after wearing a certain too-tight pair of shoes for 7 hours. And with all the stretching and everything going on (don't get me started on that round ligament pain) I've got itchy skin too.

How big is the baby?
This week the "fruit" comparison is a yellow onion - are onions fruit?? Anyway, baby is a little more than 5 inches long, and weighs about 6 ounces. Cartilage is beginning to turn to bone, and baby's starting to put on some fat. And - baby has his or her very own unique fingerprints!

Still flutters here and there - like I swallowed a goldfish and he's swimming around, brushing against me. I had one day where it felt like baby was doing gymnastics in there - he must have moved somewhere that I could feel him better - but otherwise it's been pretty settled.

Maternity clothes
Can I just say how much I love maternity pants? I don't ever want to go back to pants with real buttons again. Pregnancy is the perfect excuse to wear leggings or yoga pants as regular pants, plus the necessity of a tunic makes the legging-pant doubly okay.

Highlights of the week
Not pregnancy related, but I got ten pages of my thesis written as well as a paper for a different class - I still have to write one for Wednesday but it's not too bad. I got a lot of "oh, you're showing!" at church this week; that was kind of fun. And I got some early Christmas shopping done, from the comfort of my cushy chair in my pajamas. I love Amazon.
Elliott and I decided this week that we won't find out baby's sex, but will wait for the surprise at delivery. It meant a lot to me that he was willing to keep it a surprise, even though I know he wanted to find out. We've also decided that we won't be sharing our name choice (once we choose it) until it's on the birth certificate.

Low moments of the week
I spent a chunk of last Sunday morning in urgent care (for non-pregnancy-related reasons) and am still on a round of unpleasant antibiotics after that, but it will get better from here.

Most of my dreams are about the baby now. I did have a few weird/scary ones over the past week, but only one real nightmare. Last night's dream was about the baby - I can't wait to meet this kid already!

Pickles!! That craving was strong at the very beginning of this pregnancy, but sort of faded until this week. I need to run to the German store and pick up those Berlin-style pickles. Can't beat them. And coffee. Still loving my one cup a day! I also had a day-long craving for a Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale, but obviously that one went unfulfilled.

Nothing too bad this week, just still fighting to choke down salads, but I have managed to eat a couple! You're welcome, baby.

What I'm looking forward to
I cannot wait to meet this baby. I've had a bizarro week emotionally - I've felt a combination of anticipation, anxiety, and nostalgia surrounding this pregnancy. When you put it all together it adds up to feeling sort of like I miss the baby? Even though I've never met him (or her) and he's still cooking away in there, there's not really another way to describe this feeling. It doesn't make sense, but in my defense I did say it was bizarro.
I'm also looking forward to my appointment that starts in about an hour - I love hearing the baby's heartbeat. We're scheduling the anatomy scan today for some time in the next couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to that as well; I can't wait to see our little gummy bear again.
And finally, we're having some friends over for dinner tomorrow night and I'm really looking forward to that!

Here's a cute picture of my sleeping dog, just for fun:

Happy Monday friends!

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