Friday, November 7, 2014

18 Weeks

18 weeks!! So close to halfway! Had my 17-week appointment on Monday, baby's heartbeat was 150 bpm, and everything is measuring right on track now. We go for our anatomy scan in two weeks.

Fun Symptoms
I'm hungry all the time. Is this fun? It's definitely a lot more fun than not being hungry at all, ever, but it's also significantly more expensive. I am loving all the extra motivation to cook at home though! I'm also thirsty a lot, which is sort of helpful; it's a constant reminder that I need to be drinking more water.

Could-do-without symptoms
Heartburrrrrrn. And gross burps. And I feel like this child is just sitting directly on my bladder - I know, I know, it will only get worse. I'd just appreciate if it could wait until after class. Also pregnancy rhinitis, which is currently running me out of tissues. I am a sneezing mess, and combined with the ever-full bladder, well - you can imagine how much fun I'm having. I had been having issues with dry, itchy skin, but a friend was kind enough to gift me this amazing soap, which, in combination with coconut oil, has cleared up a lot of those issues.

How big is the baby?
Fruit comparison: sweet potato (another non-fruit) - about 5.6 inches long, and weighs almost 7 ounces. Baby is yawning, swallowing, and hiccuping now! And he (or she), according to the Internet, is likely to be movin' and shakin' in there. Hint: he (or she) definitely is!

Lots! Baby is a wiggler. At my appointment on Monday my doctor commented while using the Doppler about how much the baby was moving around. I still feel the most movement while lying down, usually right before bed or after I wake up in the morning. Maybe that's just when I'm paying the most attention! Can't wait to feel those stronger kicks, though.

Maternity clothes
I'm getting better at "dressing the bump" now, but it may be time soon to go up a size in shirts. Everything I have is getting sort of tight. Still haven't started taking outfit of the day photos... probably because this last week has been spent almost entirely in sweatpants. I'll do better next week?

My little brother inadvertently walked in on me adjusting the panel on my maternity pants yesterday. He managed to look simultaneously horrified and entertained; then said, "Those are the weirdest pants I've ever seen!"

Highlights of the week
Getting to hear baby's heartbeat on Monday. I love that sound.

My project on Tuesday went really, really well.

On Saturday night we went out with my parents to a coffee bar downtown, to hear one of my dad's friends play. We had a great time - I had a delicious apple cider! Here's a picture my mom took of me and Elliott (excuse my lackluster hair):

I forgot to mention this last week - Elliott read Corduroy to the baby before bed one night and it was the sweetest thing. I feel sappy talking about it, but I think sometimes I forget how different this experience is for him. We went through our wedding together, for example, feeling mostly the same things, but this is a totally different process. I can literally feel and sense everything that's happening with this baby, but Elliott's on the outside and it's easy, I think, for him to feel disconnected. I loved watching him and listening to him read. I just know he's going to be a great dad. I'm going to start making him read to the baby every night.

Oh, AND - they started playing Christmas music on the radio this week. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Low moments of the week
Yesterday morning I ate breakfast at home, then got in the car to head to work and realized I was famished again. I swung through the McDonald's drive thru (I know, I know - but I was so hungry and I was going to be late to work) and ordered an Egg McMuffin, no cheese, no meat. I pulled away from the window, opened up my sandwich and it was covered - covered - in cheese. Needless to say, I was pretty bummed. I stopped by Elliott's work to give him the sandwich, so it wouldn't go to waste, but I was so upset and so hungry, I was in tears by that point. Elliott said, "What's wrong?" and I said "They did this wrong and I can't eat it and I'm starving! I'm starving!" Then I high-tailed it out so I wouldn't be late. Lesson learned! I will have ample snacks in my bag from this point forward, and will not rely on the McD's drive thru ever again.

I had a dream about snakes a couple of nights ago, but the weirdest thing was that I wasn't scared or grossed out. They were falling all over me and they felt different than I expected (I always expect snakes to be slimy, but these weren't), but it wasn't a bad dream. It wasn't a good dream, either; it was just a dream. Otherwise, I dream about the baby! And I had my first experience this week with someone else having a dream about me - our realtor, actually, told me yesterday that she dreamt that she saw me smoking and yelled at me about it. I've never been a smoker, and she knows that, but I got a kick out of it! Good to know I have friends who would keep me in line if I wasn't doing it myself!

Chicken pot pie, which I made last night and ate two hefty helpings of. Totally worth it.

I think I'm over my aversions! I ate a salad and liked it!

I did, however, have a major aversion moment when I looked up a popular stroller and realized that people apparently regularly pay upwards of $700 for those things. If you were wondering what my face looked like after seeing that price tag, here's a hint:

What I'm looking forward to
Elliott and I have started talking a little bit about getting some maternity photos taken. We haven't figured out when yet, but since I'm showing pretty well now (but can still move around relatively comfortably), we're thinking we may do it soon. Maybe around Christmas. I don't generally like having my photo taken, but honestly, pregnancy has brought me to peace with a lot of things about my body and I know I will love having those pictures to look back on. Plus, as weird as I feel getting my picture taken, I have liked the little photo shoots I've gotten to do with Elliott. It's more fun when you're both making fools of yourself.

Only two weeks to halfway! Happy Friday, friends!

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